Thermal Drone
Pet Search & Rescue
$275 for 2 hours of search time.
Any additional hours - $75 per hour
Drive fee/s (if applicable)
45min+ drive - $75
1hr 30min drive - $150
We are based out of Kinsman Ohio (Trumbull County)
Livestock Rescue
$225 Flat Rate (Trumbull & surrounding)
We understand the difficulties or raising cattle/horses etc and how cost is important, most livestock animals are typically easy to locate.
If you have a plan to capture / corral them, we will find them!
Do you have a lost Pet ? Or maybe even live stock ? It can be challenging searching for pets on foot. With our thermal drones, we can easily search a large radius. Day or night, this is hands down your best chance of seeing your lost fur friend returned safely. One we locate your pet, we can provide you with coordinates to your pets location.
Do you need help paying?
We now can offer payment in weekly installments and or monthly financing via Pay pal "pay later" option
If you or someone you know could use assistance in paying for a drone, many of our clients have used "Go Fund Me" services to help obtained funding.
Click the button below
NEW Add on Service: 72 hour Trail Camera / Trap
Increase the chances of sighting your pet with a Cellular Trail Camera placed by a pet professional. Camera is set in front of a scent attractant/ Trap and monitored for alerts 24/7 by staff. If your pet is sighted or trapped , you will be contacted immediately!
$75 to set trap (due up front) / $25 each time a pest is needed to be released (due after service rendered)
Vantage Point Drone Services reserves the right to refuse camera/trap services as they see fit.
We prefer not to set up cameras or traps in residential areas to due the risk of theft. We prefer this as a "rural only" service.